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Member Benefits, and Application

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Joining the Baton Rouge Astronomical Society has many benefits in addition to interacting with fellow amateur astronomers, and those mentioned on the previous page.

Benefits also include:

Star Night Visions, the monthly e-newsletter of the BRAS.

Star Use of BRAS Library.

Star BRAS loner telescope checkout.

Star Opportunities to buy discounted equipment.

Star Quarterly Star Party.

Star BRAS Observing Clubs/Moonwatchers Certificate.

Star Automatic membership in the AL (Astronomical League) including a hard-copy subscription to their quarterly newsletter, The Reflector; discounts and a search service for astronomy books, and other benefits.

Star Email alerts for celestial events.

Star Use of the BRAS observing site in Maringouin, LA.

Star Limited use of the HRPO telescope.

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Membership dues for new members are pro-rated based on which quarter the membership begins: 4th quarter rates also cover the following year.


Star Limited use of the HRPO observatory.

Star Jan - Mar: $20.00

Star Apr - Jun: $15.00

Star Jul - Sep: $10.00

Star Oct - Dec: $25.00

Star Each additional Family member: $5.00

Star Student Membership (thru age 17): $10.00

Membership renewals are $20.00, and are due in January of each year.

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The Baton Rouge Astronomical Society accepts PayPal. If you wish to pay electronically, please choose from the following dues payment options. New members will still need to fill out the membership application found on this page and either mail it in, bring to a meeting, or send it to the email address listed on the application.

NOTE: You may need to disable your adblocker on this page for this form to work properly.

Dues Renewal
Individual Dues
Family Dues
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If you wish to join the BRAS, you can download the PDF format membership application below. To save the file to your hard drive, right-click on the link and choose “Save file.” You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or some other program that reads PDF to view these files.

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader

BRAS Membership Application PDF (472 KB)

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For more information about BRAS, you can visit us at the Highland Road Park Observatory

Or send an e-mail to Merrill Hess at

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The Baton Rouge Astronomical Society, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation chartered under the laws of the State of Louisiana.

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